Worms 2 armageddon walkthrough level 21
Worms 2 armageddon walkthrough level 21

worms 2 armageddon walkthrough level 21

Here is the hard need to use your Super Sheep to collect the crates, ie fly the sheep through the crates. I let him go because his turn to attack wouldn't be up for several turns, so there was time to arm myself first. Once you have some space you can either ninja punch the nearby enemy worm or let him go. Use your first 2 turns to blowtorch your way into the open area to your left. The crates are very out of reach, but thankfully you have 2 Super Sheep at your disposal. This level is kind of tricky due to your starting position and limited weapon load out.

worms 2 armageddon walkthrough level 21

Next use the shotgun to blowout the piece of land which is blocking you frm getting out of your tunnel and then collect the crate on top of it and drop down and collect the other two cates to your right once you done that just use the remaining shot in the shotgun for whatever its not important.Ok so next turn you shoot the enemy worm nearest to you and then just take cover Next you can use the other girder to make a way over the mines so you can get to the boot on the right,Ok nearly there use the blowtorch to make a tunnel up the boot on the right hand sid so you can collect the 2 crates up there,Final turn collect the 2 crates and use a super sheep to collect the crate on top the boot to your left. Next turn use the blowtorch again to get near the top off the Boot. So you will then see what the hell i am talking about. The reason for this is so that the enemy worm which is next to take its turn does not blow up one of the crates instead it will aim for you Start by using your girder to put over the water to the right hand side of you,Turn 2 use your shotgun to blow a hole into the wall to the right of you,Turn 3 use your Blow Torch to make a tunnel up the boot towards the crate on top of it and after this make sure you walk back down the tunnel you just made a make sure to place your worm underneath the lace of the boot.

Worms 2 armageddon walkthrough level 21